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Festival 2024

20.02. - 24.03.2024
VVK-Start: 14.12.2023, ab 11 Uhr


Fotocredits 2024

Foto Hauptprogramm

Far From The Norm / Botis Seva: Camilla Greenwell | Adrien M & Claire B: Romain Etienne | Compagnie Dyptik: Cédric Sintes | Imre van Opstal & Marne van Opstal: Robbie Lawrence | The New Zealand Dance Company: John McDermott | Gandini Juggling: Dolly Brown | Far

From The Norm / Botis Seva: Camilla Greenwell | National Dance Company Wales: Kirsten McTeranan | Pina Bausch / Germaine Acogny & Malou Airaudo: Maarten Vanden Abeele | YY Dance Company: Sarah Jeffers | Association Tango en Red: Etienne Buraud | Adrien M &

Claire B: Romain Etienne | The Living Dance Studio / Wen Hui: Ling Youjuan | Compagnie Dyptik: Johann Jolivet | NDT 2: Joris-Jan Bos Foto Festival Specials Niek Wagenaar: Batuhan

Keskiner | Hochschule fur Musik und Tanz K | AC: Peter Hinschläger | Joost Meyer: Peter Hinschläger | Niek Wagenaar: Sjoerd Derine | Alex Baczynski-Jenkins: Atelier Diptik | Yin Yue:

Christopher Jones


Tout Petit: Laure-Ann Iserief | Cie Antoinette Gomis: Clea Mbaki | Scapino Ballet Rotterdam: company | Breakin’ Convention: company | Co-Laboration: Pascal Moors | Wonderland Collectief: Saris en den Engelsman | Collectief DofT: Mike Verbraeken

Foto Kontextprogramm

Adrien M & Claire B: Romain Etienne | Pina Bausch / Germaine Acogny & Malou Airaudo: Maarten Vanden Abeele | Bischöfliche Akademie des Bistums Aachen: De-Da Production | Stadstuin Heerlen: Stadstuin Heerlen | Kool Cult: company | F|Force: Bryndis Brynjolfsdottir | Adrien M & Claire B: Romain Etienne | Jordy Dik & Team: company | Far From The Norm / Botis Seva: Camilla Greenwell | Tijmen Welburg: Feia Lydia | Annette Embrechts: SanneLinssen | Annemarie Labinjo van der Meulen: company | Andrew Greenwood: company | Far From The Norm / Botis Seva: Camilla Greenwell | Online: videostill | Expo: Cathy Levy | Baby Don’t Hurt Me: Rahi Rezvani | CELLARmovies: Luc Lodder | Filme Aachen: Eden Palast Aachen / Filmverleih | Dancing Pina: videostill | Seize Printemps: videostill | The beast in the jungle: videostill | Fashionclash: Laura Knipsael | Danscursus: Bryndis Brynjolfsdottir | Imre van Opstal & Marne van Opstal: Robbie Lawrence | NDT 2: Joris-Jan Bos | Far From The Norm / Botis Seva: Camilla Greenwell | YY Dance Company: Christopher Duggan | The New Zealand Dance Company: John McDermott | Gandini Juggling: Dolly Brown



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